- AESD – Advanced European Scientific Diver level of competency
- Benefits of scientific diving / articles in IF>5 journals (2011-15)
- Brief history of the ESDP
- Circumventions and fakes
- ESD – European Scientific Diver level of competency
- ESDP consultation documents
- ESDP contact :
- ESDP list of discussion – Charter of use
- ESDP meetings
- ESDP membership
- ESDP minutes
- ESDP: European Scientific Diving Panel
- ESDP’s output
- ESDP’s ToR
- Face book
- glossary
- High Impact Factor articles: list 2015-2020
- High-Impact Research Supported by Scientific Diving (2015-2020)
- HomeESDP
- Italian (European) Certificate of Competence
- MARS directors meeting, Heraklion, 28 November 2018
- NCSD Belgium
- NCSD Finland
- NCSD Germany
- NCSD Italy
- NCSD Norway
- News & events
- NSDC France: CNPS
- NSDC Greece
- NSDC Sweden
- NSDC The Netherlands
- NSDC United Kingdom
- Occupational European Scientific Diving Standards timeline
- Occupational Scientific Diving [OSD] purpose (Operational definition)
- Pages of the national committees (NSDC)
- Portugese (European) Certificate of Competence
- Privacy Policy – Credits and legal mentions
- Scientific diving supported articles (sorted by years)
- Scientific Diving, Biodiversity, Marine Protected Areas, …
- SD European Standards
- SD supported articles (sorted by author’s name)
- SD supported articles (sorted by date)
- SD supported articles in IF>5′ journals (sorted by date)
- SD supported articles in IF>5′ journals [2015-2020]
- SD supported scientific programmes (FR)
- Sitemap
- Some good readings …
- Statutory members
- The French Scientific Diving History
- Useful definitions
- Welcome to dive for Science in ***
- Welcome to dive for Science in Belgium !
- Welcome to dive for Science in Cyprus! (2022)
- Welcome to dive for Science in Finland ! (2020)
- Welcome to dive for Science in France ! (2023)
- Welcome to dive for Science in Germany ! (2022)
- Welcome to dive for science in Gibraltar! (2022)
- Welcome to dive for science in Italy! (2020)
- Welcome to dive for science in Norway! (2020)
- Welcome to dive for Science in Poland !
- Welcome to dive for Science in Sweden! (2020)
- Welcome to dive for Science in the UK! (2020)
- What about covid-19?
- Why try to circumvent ESDP’s standards?
- Wrong designs:
Articles par catégorie
- Catégorie : ESDP meetings
- 33rd ESDP meeting, videoconference
- 32nd ESDP meeting, videoconference
- 31st ESDP meeting, videoconference
- 30th ESDP meeting, Station Biologique de Roscoff, France
- 7th ECSD has been held in Roscoff (14-18 mai 2023)
- 29th ESDP meeting, videoconference
- 28th ESDP meeting, videoconference
- 27th ESDP meeting, videoconference
- 26th ESDP meeting, videoconference
- Flash ESDP meeting, ISO standardisation
- 25th ESDP meeting, videoconference
- 24th ESDP meeting, videoconference
- 23rd ESDP meeting, Paris
- 22nd ESDP meeting, via visioconference
- 21st ESDP meeting, Heraklion, Greece
- 20th ESDP meeting, Stockholm
- Catégorie : ESDP presentations
- Catégorie : External meetings
- 8th European Conference on Scientific Diving 22-26 April 2024, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
- 7th ECSD: postponed to 2023
- Postponement of the 7th ECSD and invitation to bid to host the 8th and 9th editions
- Release of the volume of proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving 2021
- 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving 2021
- Scientific Diver ISO Standard kick-off meeting
- Online Workshop – Capacity building and Harmonization of scientific diving in Europe – Scientific diving training
- Online Workshop – Capacity building and harmonization of scientific diving in Europe – The legal framework
- Online Workshop – Capacity building and harmonization of scientific diving in Europe – Professional recognition of scientific divers
- 55th European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS)-POSTPONED
- 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving (ECSD) 2020 / POSTPONED
- 5th European Conference on Scientific Diving (ECSD5)
- Catégorie : Non classé
- Just published (Dec. 2024)
- 8th ECSD – ESDP’s contributions
- ESDP Best Practice for using Closed-Circuit Rebreather for Occupational Scientific Diving at work (2nd version)
- Just published (Oct. 2023)
- PNKK is born!
- 5th Joint International German – Swedish – Finnish Scientific Diving Training Course 2022
- Catégorie : SD training
- Scientific diving (occupational level) courses at Tvärminne Zoological Station
- 5th German, Swedish, Finnish-Joint training course 2019
- 4th International courses for scientific divers (4-ECT) and future scientific divers, 2018
- 4th International PhD-student course in Documentation Techniques for Scientific Divers 2018, (4-ECT)
- Catégorie : Working sessions
- Gibraltar - Clive Crisp
- The Netherlands - Tinka Murk
- Cyprus - Louis Hadjioannou
- MARSnetwork - Matthew Frost
- Slovenia - Borut Mavrič
- Sweden - Gunnar Cervin
- Portugal - Diogo Paulo
- Norway - Pernilla Marianne Carlsson
- Croatia - Donat Petricioli
- Bulgaria - Dimitar Berov
- Greece - Wanda Plaiti
- Germany - Philipp Fischer
- Poland - Piotr Bałazy
- Finland - Jouni Leinikki
- United Kingdom - Martin Sayer
- Italy - Massimo Ponti
- Belgium - Alain Norro
- France - Jean-Pierre Féral