After pionner actions (since 1970’s / cf. N.C. Flemming) 3 major steps in the development and validation of these initial competency level standards:
  • 1997: EU ‘Isola d’Elba’ Course/Seminar for the Instructors of European Scientific Divers​
  • 2000: Banyuls-sur-Mer’s ESDC workshop | endorsement of the ESD and AESD standards by 15 European countries
  • 2008: Creation of the European Scientific Diving Panel supported by the European Marine Board
ESDP's standards history
Starting statements: EU funded projects involving scientific diving tasks & workpackages stopped by national rules on certification of occupational scientific divers and/or medical control

Several workshops held in Brussels (DG XII - Marco Weydert)

MAST-III: a European Union R&D programme in the field of marine science and technology

26-27 April 1993
ESDP's standards history
Workshop on advanced training and standards in Scientific diving: Marco Weydert- Nicolas Flemming (Brussels)

A group of experts in Scientific Diving is created whose task was to develop a set of procedures (Standards) to ensure the mobility of certified scientific divers inside EU countries

Countries represented were FR, PT, BE, UK, GR, DE, IT and IE. World Underwater Federation (CMAS) was invited to the first meeting

1-11 May 1997
ESDP's standards history
EU ‘Isola d’Elba’ Course/Seminar for the Instructors of European Scientific Divers

Training, working and safety standards for scientific divers (co-ordinator: Marco Abbiati).

funded by DG XII, MAST 1994-1998, Sub-area D. Supporting initiatives, 2. Standards for training and work - 35 participants (AUS, BE, FR, GR, IE, IT, SP, UK, USA) - grant MAS3-CT96-6351 from the European Commission


19 January 1998
ESDP's standards history
EU Brussels meeting

The European Scientific Diving Committee (ESDC) was created and the standard further discussed. The role of NGO like EUF, CMAS, etc… (invited) has been discussed

14 October 2000
ESDP's standards history
Banyuls-sur-Mer (France) ESDC meeting

SDC workshop - standards written for occupational scientific divers belonging to research institution or Universities or governmental institution.

supported by the French CNRS - BE, DE, ES, FI, FR, GR, IE, IS, IT, NL, NO, PL, PT, SE, UK

19-20 June 2007
ESDP's standards history​ / dissemination of information on European occupational SD standards
Ostend (Belgium), 9th annual ERVO meeting

Presentation of the standards at the European Research Vessel Organisation

25-26 June 2007
ESDP's standards history​​
Berlin (Germany) KFT [Kommission Forschungstauchen Deutschland] initiative

Relaunch of the ESDC action

15-16 October 2007
ESDP's standards history​​​
Bremerhaven (Germany), Symposium Scientific Diving - National and European Perspectives

to enhance the already existing harmonised standard and making the base for the European Scientific Diving Panel.

Initiation of an application to become a panel of the European Marine Board (European Science Foundation) by BE, FI, FR, DE, SE, UK, states where Scientific Diving was recognised by law.

11-15 March 2008
ESDP's standards history / dissemination of information on European occupational SD standards
San Diego, USA, AAUS 27th Symposium. Diving for Science Symposium 2008

Presentation : Scientific Diving in Europe: Integration, Representation and Promotion.

Overseas diffusion of the principle of promoting the European Scientific Diver and the Advanced European Scientific Diver competencies as the primary European occupational scientific diving standards.

21 October 2008
ESDP's standards history​​​​
Toulon (France), ESDC becomes the European Scientific Diving Panel [ESDP] of the European Marine Board (ESF)
22 September 2009
ESDP's standards history​​​​​ / dissemination of information on European occupational SD standards
Publication of the Banyuls-sur-Mer' standard as a consultation document n°1 of the ESDP: Common Practices for recognition of European Competency Levels for Scientific Diving at Work European Scientific Diver (ESD) and Advanced European Scientific Diver (AESD)
27-28 September 2010
ESDP's standards history / dissemination of information on European occupational SD standards
ESDP / COST Workshop Strengthening synergy and excellence in diving supported science across Europe, Brussels (Belgique)

Workshop Session 2 – Scientific Diving, an operational tool in support of science

Discussion on SD Standards (in complement of the ESDP Consultation Document on ESD./AESD Standards)

November 2010
ESDP's standards history​​​​​​ / dissemination of information on European occupational SD standards
Publication of "the scientific diving challenge in Europe"

International Journal of the Society for Underwater Technology, doi:10.3723/ut.29.105

April 2017
ESDP's standards history​​​​​​​ / dissemination of information on European occupational SD standards
Publication of the first revision of the ESDP's standards for occupational scientific diving
4 May 2018
ESDP's standards history
Stockholm (Sweden), 21st ESDP meeting


At the end of its second mandate, the ESDP leaves the European Marine Board to officially become a panel of the European Marine Station Network (MARSnetwork)

9 December 2020
ESDP's standards history​ / dissemination of information on European occupational SD standards
ScienceDIVER webinar

Presentation of the legal aspects of scientific diving, including the occupational scientific diving standards.

13 April 2021
ESDP's standards history
Initiation of an ISO standardisation approach

Goal: translation into 3 ISO standards of the standards of the AAUS (USA) for level 1 and ESDP's ESD & AESD for level 2 and 3

21 April 2021
ESDP's standards history / dissemination of information on European occupational SD standards
Virtual 6th European Conference on Scientific Diving (organiser: Freiberg Universität)

Presentation: The establishment in Europe of the Common Practices for recognition of European competency levels for scientific diving at work (ESD & AESD)

16-19 November 2021
Sub Label
World Congress of Marine Stations - WCMS 2021

The ESDP proposes to integrate occupational scientific diving into the global organisation plan for marine stations: Occupational Scientific Diving in the Marine Stations World

14-18 May 2023
Sub Label
7th ECSD - Roscoff


European standards for initial training in occupational scientific diving, a necessity, and a guarantee for the mobility of scientists and effective research in the coastal environment. 10.13140/RG.2.2.25683.35365
presentation: ESDP standards vs. ScienceDiver paralel system.

November 2023
Frontiers in Marine Science, section Marine Affairs and Policy, Policy and Practice Reviews

Specific initial training standards are needed to dive for science in Europe, Occupational vs. Citizen Science Diving - PDF

22-26 April 2024
Sub Label
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ISO standards for scientific diving. Are those standards addressing Occupational Scientific Diving or Citizen Science Diving?

December 2024
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Standards of initial training in Occupational Scientific Diving (OSD), a necessity for the mobility of scientists in Europe. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 65(4): 269-277. DOI: 10.21411/CBM.A.AAB43A40 - PDF