In 2019, the Biological Station Helgoland (Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (Germany) and the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences (University of Gothenburg – Sweden) in cooperation with Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) and Alleco Finland offer the 4th international course “European Scientific Diver ” within the framework of the ESD regulations published by the European Scientific Diving Panel (ESDP) as member of the MARS network. The course will be held in two parts from April 1st – April 12th in Helgoland (Germany) and from April 22nd – May 10th in Kristineberg, Fiskebäckskil (Sweden) [announcement]
Short report
– 5 weeks of practical training
– 2 weeks of theory E-learning (generally we have 5 weeks in between the practical course parts) outside the course and ssoem additional during the practical training
– Prerequisites before entering the course:
— Academic background –Ph level PhD student (postdocs and master was also accepted)
— Pool life guard
— CPR and first aid
— Medical examination
— Dive certificate at least PADI rescue or CMAS**
— Documented dry suit training
— At least 30h of diving
Joint examination, one week
– Before examination participants must have at least 50h or 70 dives and at least 5 dives below 25 meters of depth
– German examination committee: Kommission for Forschung Taucher for the German examination – FT certificate
– Swedish examination committee: One of the three by the naval forces approved diver schools in Sweden (Fire department school in Stockholm) for the Swedish S30 certificate and SSD. Certificates are issued by the Swedish naval forces head quarters
– Both these certificates are equivalent to the training standards stated in the ESD standards. In Swedish work diving regulations it is stated that the ESD standards should be recognized at the same standards as the Swedish S30.