Three consecutive sessions pointing on Wednesdays 2nd, 9th and 16th of December 2020, at 17:00 CET
The first session of the workshop is aimed to highlight the current situation across Europe and worldwide regarding the professional recognition of scientific divers. The state of the art will be presented, with focus on the criteria applying for identification of the required skills in becoming professionally acknowledged scientific divers. This part of the workshop will allow experts and audience to share thoughts on key issues such as certification, legislation, remuneration, insurance and other features, to discuss how to mitigate existing asymmetries in acknowledgment of scientific divers and propose possible approaches toward harmonization to overcome the gaps. This part of the workshop is moderated by Rumen STOYANOV and the invited panelists are Philip SHORT and Piotr BALAZY. It is expected to have about 190 participants (based on the registrations till today).
The second session of the workshop will focus on the legal framework regarding Scientific Diving in EU and the rest of the world as well, as it is rather a complicated and problematic issue when it comes to the acknowledgement of Scientific Diving. In this part of the ScienceDIVER – Webinar Series, the legal framework of Scientific Diving will be presented focusing on the legal framework of most of the European countries, as well as international ones, in order to define any gaps, address possible issues or limitations, and examine the possibility of harmonization. This part of the workshop is moderated by Themistocles IOANNIDIS and the invited panelist is Massimo PONTI (we consider having one more). It is expected to have about 100 participants (based on the registrations till today).
The third session of the online workshop we will focus on scientific diving training and the way it affects our perception of SD, our professional life and how we can work towards a unified SD training framework. We will comment on the current landscape, we will discuss the basic features of SD and how they are represented in training courses and finally we will look for ways to move towards harmonization. This part of the workshop is moderated by Alexandros TOURTAS and the invited panelists are Keiron FRASER and Ralph-Walter MUELLER (not yet confirmed). It is expected to have about 110 participants (based on the registrations till today).