Legal status of scientific diving
There are no legal standards regulating scientific diving in Cyprus though efforts are underway to establish these.
Medical examinations
It is highly recommended to undergo medical examinations, either in Cyprus or abroad, prior to any dive, preferably by a physician specializing in hyperbaric medicine.
If you are employed for diving at work by a Cypriot employer, they should have an accident insurance, but you should check that this insurance also covers diving. However, it is a good idea to remind the employer to declare your work profile to the insurance company to avoid any penalty fees. If you are working with a grant or acting as a volunteer, you should get an insurance yourself.
Decompression issues
The choice of decompression planning method should be decided by the team leadership prior to the dive, preferably based on a risk assessment. It is highly recommended to use diving computers during dives.
First Aid
It is preferable for all divers to have a valid first aid (CPR) qualification for treating diving casualties. All SD team members should have a training for, or at least be familiar with all first aid equipment available, including oxygen administration to diving accident casualties.
Breathing gas
Air diving limit for professional scientific diving should dependent on the risk assessment and the divers’ qualification. Mixed gases should be used according to the qualifications and risk assessment.
Volunteers may join SD teams, if accepted by the dive leaders.
More information
Scientific diving in Cyprus is currently being formulated following ESDP standards. For any further information or questions concerning scientific diving in Cyprus, you can contact the scientific diving team representatives at the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute