1/ Croatia has issued “European” cards that do not correspond to any legal reality. Diving diplomas can only be national. Moreover, besides correct indicators like identity, date of issue, validity limit, the card displays European symbols and uses the ESDP logo without permission, thus giving a “European” appearance to a document that is not.

2/ Italy does not have a specific legislative arsenal recognizing scientific diving at work (OSD), regulating the content of training and controlling the issuance of a national certificate of competence by an recognized legal authority.
Italy, which has a national committee, is currently “member” of the ESDP. However, there is a lack of transparency regarding the respect and application of all standards. Italy also issued “European” certificates of competency, which are de facto usurped. Moreover, the ESDP logo is used on these certificates, without the agreement of the ESDpanel, giving a “European” appearance to a certificate that is not European and is even not recognized by Italian law.
Such a certificate cannot be recognized in the statutory countries. This is an obstacle to scientists’ mobility in Europe and it also put Italy outside any equivalence system (still to be built).