SD supported articles (sorted by author’s name)

SD supported articles in IF>5′ journals

Norro A (2024) The ISO-8804 series: What kind of Scientific Diving is concerned here ?
Hocdé R, Thouzeau G, Emice E, et al (2024) Scientific diving in France:  an overview of the current practices in science
Chandler JF, Burn D, Caballes CF, et al (2023) Increasing densities of Pacific crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, resolved using a novel survey method. Sci Rep 13:19306.
Féral J-P, Norro A (2023) Specific initial training standards are needed to dive for science in Europe, Occupational vs. Citizen Science Diving. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1134494.
Ballesteros Vázquez M (2023) Diving in the icy waters of Antarctica: a personal experience
Forrest MJ, Favoretto F, Nisa ZA, Aburto-Oropeza O (2023) A deeper dive into the blue economy: the role of the diving sector in conservation and sustainable development goals. Front Mar Sci 10:1212790.
Bouchet P, Decock W, Lonneville B, et al (2023) Marine biodiversity discovery: the metrics of new species descriptions. Front Mar Sci 10:929989.
Norro A, Féral J-P (2023) More than 20 years of training in Occupational Scientific Diving at work in Europe, The European Scientific Diving Panel (ESDP) model.
Nisa ZA (2023) Need for the Scuba Diving Industry to Interface with Science and Policy: A Case of SIDS Blue Workforce. Oceans 4:132–150.
Edgar GJ, Stuart-Smith RD, Heather FJ, et al (2023) Continent-wide declines in shallow reef life over a decade of ocean warming. Nature.
Edgar GJ, Stuart-Smith RD, Heather FJ, et al (2023) Continent-wide declines in shallow reef life over a decade of ocean warming. Nature.
Boury-Esnault N, Bellan G, Bellan-Santini D, et al (2023) The Station Marine d’Endoume, Marseille: 150 years of natural history. Zootaxa 5249:213–252.
Galloway AWE, Gravem SA, Kobelt JN, et al (2023) Sunflower sea star predation on urchins can facilitate kelp forest recovery. Proc R Soc B 290:20221897.
Gérard Franck Zinzindohoué C, Schoening T, Baptista Lima E, Fiedler B (2023) PlasPi TDM: Augmentation of a low-cost camera platform for advanced underwater physical-ecological observations. HardwareX e00470.
Markic A, Bridson JH, Morton P, et al (2023) Microplastic pollution in the intertidal and subtidal sediments of Vava’u, Tonga. Marine Pollution Bulletin 186:114451.
Nisa ZA (2022) The role of marine and diving authorities in workforce development in the blue economy. Front Mar Sci 9:1014645.
ESDP (2022) Common practices for recognition of European competency level for scientific diving at work, European Scientific Diver (ESD) and Advanced European Scientific Diver (AESD).. Consultation document 01, (revised 2017, updated 2022), 17 pp.
Campbell J, Yakimishyn J, Haggarty D, et al (2022) Citizen Science Surveys Provide Novel Nearshore Data. Fisheries fsh.10831.
Marlowe C, Hyder K, Sayer MDJ, Kaiser J (2022) Citizen scientists’ dive computers resolve seasonal and interannual temperature variations in the Red Sea. Front Mar Sci 9:976771.
Westphal AM, Breiter C-JC, Falconer S, et al (2022) Citizen science and machine learning: Interdisciplinary approach to non-invasively monitoring a northern marine ecosystem. Front Mar Sci 9:961095.
Muff M, Jaquier M, Marques V, et al (2022) Environmental DNA highlights fish biodiversity in mesophotic ecosystems. Environmental DNA edn3.358.
Gold M (2022) ECSA 10 Principles of Citizen Science.
Fraisl D, Hager G, Bedessem B, et al (2022) Citizen science in environmental and ecological sciences. Nat Rev Methods Primers 2:64.
Buyse J, Hostens K, Degraer S, De Backer A (2022) Offshore wind farms affect the spatial distribution pattern of plaice Pleuronectes platessa at both the turbine and wind farm scale. ICES Journal of Marine Science 79:1777–1786.
Spyksma AJP, Miller KI, Shears NT (2022) Diver-generated photomosaics as a tool for monitoring temperate rocky reef ecosystems. Front Mar Sci 9:953191.
Bergerot B (2022) The citizen science paradox. Land 11:1151.
Juhel J, Marques V, Utama RS, et al (2022) Estimating the extended and hidden species diversity from environmental DNA in hyper‐diverse regions. Ecography.
Viduka A, Edney J (2022) GIRT scientific divers citizen science programme: Volunteer motivations and characteristics. Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage 9:143–160.
Mathon L, Marques V, Mouillot D, et al (2022) Cross-ocean patterns and processes in fish biodiversity on coral reefs through the lens of eDNA metabarcoding. Proc R Soc B 289:20220162.
Viduka A (2022) A maritime archaeological conservation citizen science programme for individual benefit and good public outcomes: GIRT Scientific Divers. Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage 9:71–87.
Howard L, van Rees CB, Dahlquist Z, et al (2022) A review of invasive species reporting apps for citizen science and opportunities for innovation. NB 71:165–188.
Zhang G (2022) Detecting and Visualizing Observation Hot-Spots in Massive Volunteer-Contributed Geographic Data across Spatial Scales Using GPU-Accelerated Kernel Density Estimation. IJGI 11:55.
ESDP (2022) Occupational Scientific Diving requirements facilitating safe mobility of scientific divers within Europe.  Consultation document 04, (version 1). 34 pp.
Smith JG, Tinker MT (2022) Alternations in the foraging behaviour of a primary consumer drive patch transition dynamics in a temperate rocky reef ecosystem. Ecology Letters 25:1827–1838.
Macé B, Hocdé R, Marques V, et al (2022) Evaluating bioinformatics pipelines for population‐level inference using environmental DNA. Environmental DNA 4:674–686.
Giglio VJ, Marconi M, Pereira-Filho GH, et al (2022) Scuba divers’ behavior and satisfaction in a new marine protected area: Lessons from the implementation of a best practices program. Ocean & Coastal Management 220:106091.
Giglio VJ, Marconi M, Pereira-Filho GH, et al (2022) Scuba divers’ behavior and satisfaction in a new marine protected area- Lessons from the implementation of a best practices program. Ocean & Coastal Management 220:106091.
Moreau C, Le Bourg B, Balazy P, et al (2022) Trophic markers and biometric measurements in Southern Ocean sea stars (1985–2017). Ecology 103:.
Metcalfe AN, Kennedy TA, Mendez GA, Muehlbauer JD (2022) Applied citizen science in freshwater research. WIREs Water 9:.
Nisa ZA, Schofield C, Neat FC (2022) Work Below Water: The role of scuba industry in realising sustainable development goals in small island developing states. Marine Policy 136:104918.
Kuklinski P, Balazy P, Porter J, et al (2022) Experimental apparatus for investigating colonization, succession and related processes of rocky bottom epifauna. Continental Shelf Research 233:104641.
Gatti G, Barth L, Grancher T, et al (2022) CIGESMED FOR DIVERS, A successfull approach combining science and citizen environment for the monitoring of NW Mediterranean coralligenous reefs. In: Bouafif C, Ouerghi A (eds) Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Symposium on the conservation of Coralligenous & other Calcareous Bio-Concretions. UNEP/MAP – SPA/RAC, Genova, Italiy (20-21 September 2022), pp 63–68
Flemming NC (2021) Apollonia on my mind: the memoir of a paraplegic ocean scientist. Sidestone Press, Leiden
Turicchia E, Ponti M, Rossi G, Cerrano C (2021) The Reef Check Med Dataset on Key Mediterranean Marine Species 2001–2020. Front Mar Sci 8:675574.
ESDP (2021) Best Practice for using Closed-Circuit Rebreather for Scientific Diving at work. Consultation document 04, (version 1), 17 pp.
Encarnação J, Baptista V, Teodósio MA, Morais P (2021) Low-Cost Citizen Science Effectively Monitors the Rapid Expansion of a Marine Invasive Species. Front Environ Sci 9:752705.
Encarnação J, Baptista V, Teodósio MA, Morais P (2021) Low-Cost Citizen Science Effectively Monitors the Rapid Expansion of a Marine Invasive Species. Front Environ Sci 9:752705.
Caramanna G, Sievert SM, Bühring SI (2021) Submarine Shallow-Water Fluid Emissions and Their Geomicrobiological Imprint: A Global Overview. Front Mar Sci 8:727199.
Lockhart SJ, Hocevar J (2021) Combined Abundance of All Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Indicator Taxa Inadequate as Sole Determiner of Vulnerability, Antarctic Peninsula. Front Mar Sci 8:577761.
Gerovasileiou V, Bianchi CN (2021) Mediterranean marine caves- A synthesis of current knowledge. Oceanography and Marine Biology, an annual review 59:1–88.