Todate, six countries became statutory members: Belgium, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom (Feb. 2024)
These countries recognize specifically occupational scientific diving (OSD) by law. They have set up a national scientific diving committee. They apply ESDP standards (or equivalent) to training and certification. They are able to produce the corresponding legal texts and a list of accredited training centers. (cf. ESDP’s membership)
Country | Title | Legal Documents | OSD by Law | Standards included in the law |
Belgium | Arrêté Royal du 7 Février 2018, code du bien être au travail, titre 4 : tavaux en milieu hyperbare. Moniteur Belge 26/2/2018/200360 | link | Yes | Yes |
Finland* | Valtioneuvoston asetus 1209/2019 rakennustyötä tekevän sukeltajan pätevyydestä ja turvallisuussuunnitelmasta annetun valtioneuvoston asetuksen 2 §:n muuttamisesta | link Qualification requirements link link | Yes | Yes |
France | Décret n° 2011-45 du 11 janvier 2011 relatif à la protection des travailleurs intervenant en milieu hyperbare Amended 2022 | link version 2023 | Yes | Yes |
Germany | Regel “Einsatz von Forschungstauchern” (BGR/GUV-R 2112) Juni 2001 Amended 2011 | Arbeitsschutzgesetz link 7. Buch Sozialgesetzbuch link | Yes | Yes |
Norway | Arbeidstilsynet_Dykking Forskrift om utførelse av arbeid, bruk av arbeidsutstyr og tilhørende tekniske krav (forskrift om utførelse av arbeid) _ Fjerde del: Krav til annet risikoutsatt arbeid _ Kapittel 26. Om sikkerhet og helse ved arbeid under vann eller økt omgivende trykk | Arbeidstilsynet link utførelse av arbeid link | = commercial diving | Yes |
Poland | USTAWA z dnia 17 października 2003 r. o wykonywaniu prac podwodnych | link | Yes | No |
Spain | Real Decreto 550/2020, de 2 de junio, por el que se determinan las condiciones de seguridad de las actividades de buceo | link | depending on community | No |
Sweden | AFS 2010:16 / Dykeriarbete Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter om dykeriarbete samt allmänna råd om tillämpningen av föreskrifterna. amended 2019 | link | Yes | Yes |
United Kingdom | The Diving at Work Regulations 1997: UK Statutory Instruments, 1997, N° 2776 | link | Yes | Yes |
Occupational Scientific Diving is recognized by law in 9 European countries. 7 of them have already incorporated minimum initial training standards into their legislation governing such diving
(*) Finish committee is not yet legally recognized